
A responsible and sustainable commitment

We aim to offer our customers both technically perfect products and the certainty of working with a responsible and committed supplier.

The success of our environmental and social approach depends on the well-being of our employees and on constructive relationships with the regions where our production sites are located.

The forest at the heart of our sustainable economy


Participate in our forests' maintenance

For the past ten years, Diam Bouchage has been contributing financially to the clearing and maintenance of abandoned plots of land to avoid the risk of fire and enabling exploitation cork oak forests. We are also committed to the training of professional harvesters to ensure a harvest that respects the tree and its ecosystem.


Planting trees to rejuvenate our cork oak forests

In 2020, Diam Bouchage financed the replanting of 3,252 cork oaks as part of the ‘1 million trees planted by 2021’ regional programme in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (PACA). This plantation is mainly involved in the fight against climate change and in the regeneration of the ageing cork oak forests. This planting initiative is now a permanent part of our CSR policy to support the local industry.


The success story of Diam's French corks

By purchasing its raw material at favourable prices, we ensure the sustainability of the cork industry thanks to an economic, viable and rewarding outlet. We have also been very involved in the revival of the French cork industry since 2012. We are involved in the coordination of circular economy projects via a nation wide action plan and ambitious objectives, both for the reactivation of abandoned forests and the development of a sector of current and future interest.

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