A responsible and sustainable commitment
We aim to offer our customers both technically perfect products and the certainty of working with a responsible and committed supplier.
The success of our environmental and social approach depends on the well-being of our employees and on constructive relationships with the regions where our production sites are located.
Our social commitments
This strengthens the commitment of our teams
"Over the years, we have implemented a number of actions that we felt were essential at our production sites, such as reducing manual handling and improving working conditions for the well-being and safety of our employees. In our CSR approach, the question of working relations and conditions is a major issue. We want to go one step further by creating a real company culture by emphasising individual safety behaviour, where everyone respects and is involved in the smooth running of the company!"
Alain Cano
Safety Manager, Circular Economy
Securing the working environment
Attracting and retaining talent
Sustaining skills
Where are we now?
permanent contracts
employee turnover
M/F equality agreement re-signed in 2021
management positions filled by women
4 000
hours of tutoring provided in workshops in France in 2020
298k €
amount dedicated to training
Our environmental commitments
Preserving our resources is no longer an option
"We have long been committed to the environment and are now firmly engaged towards energy transition, to the great pride of our employees! Reducing our direct greenhouse gas emissions by half means participating at our own level in the international objectives to combat climate change, but it also means preparing for a world where energy will be increasingly scarce and expensive: environmental performance will be combined with economic performance as an essential parameter for sustaining an industrial activity."
Caroline Forgues
CSR Manager
Controlling our energy consumption and GHG emissions
Make the best use of our cork by-products and waste
Controlling industrial risks
Designing more environmentally friendly products
Where are we now?
69 256
TEQCO2 carbon footprint 2019
litres of water consumed per 1000 corks
amount of waste produced vs. 2018
waste recycling rate
growth in the 'Origine by Diam' biosourced range between 2019 and 2020
year of the first life cycle assesment of our main corks
Our societal commitments
We are just beginning
"CSR policies address crucial issues for the future of organisations. If we want to preserve our jobs, but even more so the future of generations to come, we need to reinvent the way we use resources and produce. The actions implemented often have a very positive impact on employee motivation, I would say that it is a factor that strengthens the support of the teams and forges a positive and respectable company culture."
Magali Spurling
Human Resources Director
Ensuring the food safety of products
Acting with integrity
Fostering an open and contributive corporate culture
Where are we now?
Food Safety certified production sites
416k €
food safety budget = 0.23% of turnover
employees who have taken anti-corruption training
incidents of discrimination at work
amount subcontracted to sheltered or adapted companies
amount committed to charity, sponsorship and patronage

The forest at the heart of our sustainable economy
Participate in our forests' maintenance
For the past ten years, Diam Bouchage has been contributing financially to the clearing and maintenance of abandoned plots of land to avoid the risk of fire and enabling exploitation cork oak forests. We are also committed to the training of professional harvesters to ensure a harvest that respects the tree and its ecosystem.
Planting trees to rejuvenate our cork oak forests
In 2020, Diam Bouchage financed the replanting of 3,252 cork oaks as part of the ‘1 million trees planted by 2021’ regional programme in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (PACA). This plantation is mainly involved in the fight against climate change and in the regeneration of the ageing cork oak forests. This planting initiative is now a permanent part of our CSR policy to support the local industry.
The success story of Diam's French corks
By purchasing its raw material at favourable prices, we ensure the sustainability of the cork industry thanks to an economic, viable and rewarding outlet. We have also been very involved in the revival of the French cork industry since 2012. We are involved in the coordination of circular economy projects via a nation wide action plan and ambitious objectives, both for the reactivation of abandoned forests and the development of a sector of current and future interest.